Brome Squirrel Buster Mini Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Brome Squirrel Buster Mini Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder


Award winning, patented Squirrel Buster

technologyis truly squirrel proof.

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Brome Squirrel Buster Mini Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
Guaranteed Squirrel Proof
Effective against Red and Gray Squirrels

Dishwasher Safe Design
Easily cleans to maintain a safe and healthy feeder

Built-to-Last Construction
UV-stabilized ABS and polycarbonate resins, rust-proof / powder-coated aluminum and stainless steel components.

The Brome Squirrel Buster Mini™ is guaranteed Squirrel Proof. Openings in the bottom of the metal mesh shroud are aligned with the seed tray and allow birds access to the seed. When a squirrel climbs onto the feeder, its weight automatically forces the shroud down, closing access to the seed tray. Squirrels are shut out but not harmed in any way.

Both perching and clinging birds love this feeder. The seed ports have perches for the perching birds but the metal mesh shroud also offers a large clinging area. Because of the combined perching & clinging surfaces, you will find an enhanced level of bird activity with the Squirrel Buster Mini

The Negative Grip Tube is part of the patented Squirrel Buster Mini™ technology. It prevents squirrels from grabbing the wire hanger with their hind legs, hanging down alongside the feeder & defeating the closing mechanism.

Capacity: 0.75 quarts, 1.125 lbs., 4 ports
Dimensions: 3.875" dia. x 11.5"H, 11"L hanger
Mounting: may be hung
Construction: metal, plastic
Mfg. Warranty: 2 year warranty against squirrel damage

Received Best New Bird Watch Product award 2008