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Squirrel Feeders

You either love squirrels or hate them, but squirrels are a fact of life so why not enjoy their antics with a squirrel feeder. A squirrel feeder may actually help keep them away from you bird feeders and birdhouses. Give it a try and have fun watching squirrels.
Project Squirrel needs your help.
No matter where you live, city or suburb, from the Midwest to the East Coast, Canada to California, if squirrels live in your neighborhood, you are encouraged to become a squirrel monitor or squirrel counter.

Project Squirrel
Project Squirrel was originally created by Wendy Jackson and Joel Brown, and has been operating since 1997. During this time, over 1000 people have participated, provided observations, and filled out the survey. We have been able to learn a great deal about these squirrels, particularly in the Chicago Metropolitan Region. Observations from other parts of the country have also been welcome and interesting. Many participant's comments are shared under What People Have Said.

Have you ever seen a White Squirrel?
Home of the White Squirrel
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